Education Rethink Blog by John Spencer
Why We Need Skeuomorphism #FlatDesign
Why We Need Skeuomorphism #FlatDesign is a blog post about skeuomorphism. Spencer describes skeuomorphism as "the non functional elements that remind us of previous technology". Minimalism is part of all the new apps and software and at times its nice but sometimes we just enjoy how things used to look and work. He writes about how sometimes skeuomorphism can be good but other times is awful. He says transitions, textures, decorations and vintage matter when designing technology. I think sometimes modern things are nice but other times you want things back how they used to be.
My name is Kaitlyn Parker. I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I have been assigned to your blog for a portion of my semester. I like your idea of keeping some of the old because not all old things are bad and at the same time incorporating some new ideas. Keeping things that work good for us while getting rid of things that do not is a way to transition into new ideas without completely starting over. I like that you want to move forward but still look at all the different aspects, no matter if they are new or old when creating or decorating a school.
Digital Citizenship Means Criticizing Tech Giants
Digital Citizenship Means Criticizing Tech Giants is a blog post by John Spencer about how recently on his Facebook account he has been seeing multiple posts about "Google guys" criticizing standardized testing. He says the "Google guys" are the ones supporting creativity and are the good guys making cheap applications and laptops. He explains that people are always so quick to judge the big name companies such as Apple, Google or Pearson. I think people should look at the positive and negatives of all the companies. I do not think one is necessarily better then another; they just excel in different categories.
Mr. Spencer,
My name is Kaitlyn Parker. I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I think people have the privilege to like a certain brand of technology more then another because everyone is entitled to their own preference. I also think that each brand has their own positives and negatives and is better or worse then another in different categories. One is not better then the other so it is helpful, especially in a classroom as a teacher, to be open to different ones and be able to use the technology and utilize the best you can in your classroom.
"He says transitions, textures, decorations and vintage matter when designing technology. " What does this mean?