Sunday, July 14, 2013

Blog Post #14

What did I leave out?

EDM 310 students should watch the video Top 10 Reasons to Use Technology in Education. After watching the video write a short summary and state your thoughts and opinions in your blog.
I think this is a good first post for EDM 310 students because many students do not realize the benefits of using technology in the classroom. Students may also not know the different types of technology that can be used or how they can help students learn in a classroom. This video teaches ten reasons why teachers should use technology and I think EDM 310 students can benefit from watching this video.

My Example Blog Post:
I thought the video Top 10 Reasons to Use Technology in Education was a good video to see the benefits of using technology in the classroom. According to the video, technology can be very beneficial in the classroom. A statement that was mentioned in the video by Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach that I really liked was "Teachers will not be replaced by technology but teachers who do not use technology will be replaced by those who do." It is important for teachers to utilize technology in their classrooms. Teachers who do not will be behind the times and will hold their students back. I think it is important for students to learn how to use technology. Technology will never go away, it will only continue to grow. Students can take tests online and see their scores instantly. This saves teachers time grading and students know their grades earlier. Technology can also help students with ADHD by keeping them engaged. Students with hearing impediments can also be helped by technology. Teachers can use classroom amplifiers to help students hear. Technology can save money for schools. I think technology is important in the classroom and can help students learn quicker and stay engaged longer.

technology in the classroom

For my first grade elementary students who are new to blogging and using technology I chose to assign them to make a PowerPoint timeline of their life.

Directions for students:
Make a timeline of your life using PowerPoint.
You need to include:
-A title slide
-One slide per year of your life(ex. 0 years old, 1 year old, 2 year old, etc)
-Each slide needs to have a description of what you did or learned or describe something that occurred that year
-You need at least one picture for each slide in your PowerPoint
-Upload your finished product to your blog.

1 comment:

  1. Kaitlyn,

    I thought the video was very interesting and a good beginner intro into technology's use in the classroom, apart from the over product placement it contained. As you may remember Dr. Strange mentioning in the class a few times, we've restructured this class under the assumption that anyone coming into EDM310 and thus education, knows that technology will be a part of the classroom now and in the future. Because of this, we've take out many of the assignments like this one that you created, that attempt to persuade students that technology isn't scary or difficult to use in the classroom setting.

    I'm also confused about the second portion of your post since you didn't include anything about an activity for your future class in your "assignment" part of the post.
